Does your hair do the wave when you want it to do the curl? Are you ripping through your wet hair when you get out of the shower? Turns out, it’s not your hair’s fault, it’s the brush or comb that you are using.
Be in the Know about brushes right now!
1. Tunnel vent brush
This brush’s job is to help you out with tangles and to shorten blow dry time. It’s a gentle and very basic brush, with the ability to help add lift and volume while blow drying hair. As an added bonus, it will also help your hair retain moisture and reduce frizz.

Denman D100 Large Tunnel Vent Free-flow Brush
2. Mixed bristle brush
If you want to treat your hair to the Jaguar of hair brushes, this is it. Perfect for those 100 strokes every night before bed (right?). This brush (according to the Mason Pearson site) will help you distribute the natural oils evenly throughout your hair while stimulating circulation in the hair follicles. Sounds pretty fancy, huh? It’s perfect for wrangling thick, fine or unmanageable hair into form.
3. Paddle brush

Kareco large paddle brush
Lots of hair, little time? This is the brush for you. Use the paddle brush when you want to smooth out your hair. It’s great for keeping long (straight or wavy) hair smooth and sleek. However, if you are looking to add a little volume, look into the round thermal brush.
4. Round thermal brush

Revlon Blush Brush
Volume, volume, volume. The round thermal brush is used very frequently for creating smooth blowouts with lots of volume. It comes in small, medium and large and the kind of shape you’re looking for will dictate which size you use. Most of these thermal brushes are made with ceramic or tourmaline and vented in the center. Be sure to add a thermal protector like Kenra Blow Dry Spray to keep your hair happy!
5. Round vented brush

Ceramic tools: vented round brush by Jibere de paris
Saving you time, every time. This brush allows for ultimate airflow which helps shorten hair drying time. And while using the round vented brush to help shorten your drying, it’ll also enhance your hair’s movement. Don’t count on this brush for any specific shape as the bristles aren’t strong enough to force the hair into a specific shape.
6. Wide tooth comb

kinky curly wide tooth shower comb
Stop ripping through your wet hair with a brush and use a wide tooth comb instead, please! Wet hair is fragile and if you’re rough with it (which you shouldn’t be), it could get pretty tangled or worse, break off. A wide tooth comb is a great way to work through your hair while it’s still wet.
SO, in summary, here is a list of brushes and what to use them for..
Detangling wet hair? Wide tooth comb
Looking to add volume? Round vented brush
Want wavy curls? Round thermal brush
Brushing your hair like Jan Brady? Mixed bristle brush
Throwing your hair up in a pony and need to smooth it out? Paddle brush.