woman with hearts on eyes
Love is grand. It brings feelings of happiness, peace and excitement that just can’t be compared to anything else. In fact, it’s so nice that a lot of people say they can’t live without it.
While love is grand, love addiction is bad. Love addiction is just what it sounds like. It’s a dependency and reliance on love that goes overboard to a place of over-reliance. Love addiction means that it’s difficult to be on your own because you rely too heavily on being in love in order to function normally.

1) You Can’t Be Alone.

Everyone goes through bouts of being single. Sometimes it doesn’t take long before you meet someone great and begin relationship. Other times it takes a while before you find someone. But if you get anxious about the thought of being single or go far out of your way to meet new people when you’re single that’s a big sign that you have difficulties being alone and need someone else to fill that hole inside.
Solution: Recognize where the anxiety comes from. Look deep within yourself and look at all the good things about yourself. Give yourself self-affirmations likes “I’m strong, I’m capable and I’m independent” so that you don’t feel like you need someone else.

2) When You are Alone You Daydream about Mr/Mrs Right.

Being alone isn’t a bad thing. In fact, being single can be healthy for you because it allows you focus on yourself (hobbies, interests, new past-times, etc.) which is great for self-improvement. But if you feel uncomfortable being single and use the time to daydream about being in a relationship again, you may have crossed the line into love addiction.
Solution: Use the time being single to improve yourself. Now that you’re single you have time to pick up that old hobby you used to do. You even have time to explore some new ones. Use the time to explore your interests and try new things. You’ll find yourself falling in love with yourself before you fall in love.

3) Your Expectations of a Partner Bend Easily.

Everyone knows what they want in a relationship. And everyone knows that relationships take compromise . You just can’t have everything you want. But love addicts bend their expectations easily in order to be in love. It doesn’t matter who they’re in a relationship with. They just want to be in a relationship.
Solution: Take some time to consider what standards you have to have in a relationship and which ones are just preferences. It’s okay to bed on the preferences but not on the necessary standards.